Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Inspiration: Fahrenheit 451 Titles

In 1966 Françios Truffaut released his first and only English language film, he worked for six years to bring it to the screen, and I like to think he had these titles in mind from the outset.

This is what every designer/title designer speaks to when they they talk about the titles being apart of a film and setting up the story, but rarely does anything thing work as well as these do. What's startling about them isn't the design or type or anything that you typically associate with title design. These titles have no type and they're deceptively simple. Just a series of single color ZOOM IN shots of TV antennas and a narrator speaking the names aloud. The bold colors evoke color bars, and this was also Truffaut's first color film, it feels almost like a painter saying "these are the colors I will be using throughout the piece."

From a storytelling viewpoint they're almost unmatched by any sequence I've ever seen. What better way to introduce the audience to a world where the printed word is outlawed than this?